Setting up HR grounds - Guidance

Dear all,

It is my first post and it's first time I'm taking a very challenging role having been in HR just under a year.

I'll be looking after all HR related business in IT company. There is 22 employees and the company is relatively new - founded in 2016.

The owners are very eager on following procedures and making people happy ,however, there is very little policies or internal regulations that would assist with their wish. Hence appointing me to look after the above.

So my query is - I do have some general ideas as the company haven't got their own organisational structure (possibly my first task on my to do list), there is no job descriptions nor employee files (interesting). It does seem very basic but I don't know what shall be the priority after I'll complete the two above.

Any suggestions?



  • Sit down with your Boss (Bosses) and ask them the three things they want you to achieve

    Have a chat with each employee and ask what the 2-3 things they would like to see improved are

    Do all of the first list and some from the second

    I really wouldn't worry about job descriptions, organisation structure and anything bar the most legally necessary policies at this stage.
  • I would add something to Keith's process. In my opinion, if you want to establish your credibility as a source of advice and guidance on good and legal practice, you should also tell them 2-3 things that they *must* do. I would put on that list:

    1. A written statement of Ts&Cs (use ERA96 s1 as you guide) for every employee.
    2. A recorded proof of right to work for every employee.
    3. Compliant H&S practice.

    You may like to add GDPR and Privacy Notices etc to that list, but these are a great starting point to achieving a lot of what they want: groundwork for personal files and creating a professional culture.
  • In reply to Robey:

    Which fall under the legally necessary policies :-)
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you Keith
  • In reply to Robey:

    Thanks Robey