sexual harassment at work surveys

Given recent events and the fact that our company is in the media industry, we are keen to do a survey on sexual harassment. Does anyone have an example of such a survey or recommend the best place to look for advice on putting one together?

Thank you in advance for any suggestions



  • Hi and welcome to the communities

    My first question on any survey like this si what you are going to do with the results? The chances are you can normally predict most results or at least the general direction so it comes down to the wiliness of the organisation to do something about it. Once you have turned over the stone your employees wont forgive you for not cleaning up the dirt underneath.

    A good place to start is with this report or this website

    But if its just a survey you are after then have a look at this as a starting point

  • Hi Paulene,

    Welcome to the forums.

    I may be misunderstanding, but I am unsure why you would want to run a survey on sexual harassment. What is your purpose of doing a survey?

    If you are looking for instances of possible sexual harassment that have not come to light before, why would a survey be the best option? Would it not be better to publicise your policy on harassment in the workplace (sexual or otherwise) and encourage whistleblowing, then manage the invidual circumstances?

    Are you trying to understand whether people know what constitutes sexual harassament? In which case, an easier piece is probably a webinar explaining the legal and ethical ramifications if people don't understand what could be constituted as harassment.

    Or are you trying to prove no one has been sexually harassed in your workplace? In which case, why do a survey? Just let your greivances MI do the talking.

    If you can provide a bit more context, the forum can provide more in-depth answers.

    Many thanks,
  • Thank you Keith and Laura, I appreciate you taking the time to respond and offering your thought. My directors and the company are keen to do the right thing given the impact of the recent revelations.

    Keith - you are right, we can predict at least the general direction in our own company. And thank you for pointing me in the direction of the report and website, super helpful.

    Laura - great advice about providing information about sexual harassment and reminding our people about our harassment and bullying policy and encouraging whistle blowing and our commitment to listening and investigating.

    Thank you again!
  • In reply to Paulene:

    Hi Paulene

    I think recent events are having their own considerable impetus to raise awareness and to change attitudes and totally agree with Laura's comments.

    And would add that surveys by their nature can't and don't measure what might happen in the future, which might be very very different from that which happened in the past, so that's one fundamental reason why a survey might not be an effective response in the workplace
  • In reply to David:

    Thank you David, I appreciate you taking the time to respond and your thoughts.