Training evaluation project

Hi all, I’ve been recently asked to create a project for evaluating our training workshops and I want to create something similar to the Kirkpatrick 4 levels model. I have no previous experience and knowledge and I feel I’m lost! Could someone points me towards some information or previous cases? Thank you!
  • I found a book called 'Evaluating the impact of leadership development' by Patterson, Stawiski, Hannum, Champion and Downs really helpful when I did something similar last year. I got hold of a copy on Amazon.
  • be conscious that if you didn't define what you planned to measure when the workshops were designed the levels 3-5 of Kirkpatrick (there is 5th return on expectation) may be difficult to measure. however it's worth looking up a website called training check it is software that specifically measures training evaluation and has a massive bank of stock questions, organised by Kirkpatrick that allows you to create online surveys before, during & after workshops. i use it for all my programmes & it saves me hours of time.