

Where can I find data regarding the average promotion rate per year in Companies in UK?



  • I have never seen such information available and would question how useful it would be even if it were.

    Would be fascinated to know what you intend using it for?

    If numbers were available they would be hugely different depending on industry.
  • In reply to Keith:

    We're putting together end of year insights for our Executive team, we've identified that our promotion rate % this year was 33% and I got asked what's the average?

    Thank you for getting back to me.
  • In reply to Valentina:

    For what its worth (and probably not a lot) I would say 33% is quite high. 1 in 3 people being promoted in most industries would be exceptional.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith.
  • In reply to Valentina:

    The average for what industry?
    What promotions? shop floor to supervisor. Manager to senior manager., etc.,
  • Hi Valentina
    To contribute towards the discussion on Promotions, my view is that they become timely upon fulfilment of two major conditions:
    First there must be an open and vacant position - this must be determined by your organisational needs and the established pyramid. It should not technically be called to change drastically at any point in time although periodic reviews to adjust to evolving needs or business model would be recommended.
    The second condition is a readiness of the incumbent to grow - too often we find good employees promoted to a higher role for which they were grossly unprepared and turn out to be unsuccessful. This readiness to grow means the incumbent has to be prepared for the new role in terms of training, work shadowing, special assignments.
    At 33% the ratio seems high indeed and it also carries with it a factor of economic sustainability/ financial integrity. Moreover, this trend can create certain expectations in the workforce.
    Trust this helps
  • In reply to Keith:

  • In reply to America:

    another spam account