Building a new Inclusive Talent Scheme

Hi everyone! 

I've recently joined an organisation & talent team looking to develop a talent scheme. I'm responsible for a team looking into scheme design and am currently looking and compiling research to enable us to make more informed decisions going forwards.

I'm just wondering if anybody can point me in the direction of any of the below:

1) Useful research/data into what individuals from lower socio-economic backgrounds and communities such as ethnic minorities, LGBTQIA+ and the disabled would look for from a new talent scheme. L&D opportunities etc.

2) Hints/tips into how to build an inclusive talent scheme effectively.

3) How we can build the visibility of junior members of staff more effectively within BIG organisations.

Thanks in advance to anybody who is able to contribute no matter how big or small! Slight smile


  • Hi Danny, I'm also really interested to know how to build an inclusive talent scheme. I know one organisation that is focussing on the concept that anyone can be a leader, it's not just about the role you're in - so developing leadership skills in all. Also, making L&D Opportunities accessible to all - which means proactively going out there and promoting these to different groups across the organisation. Also, ensuring everyone has regular catch ups with their line manager about their development. When it is only happening in some areas of the business and not others this is inequal (a challenge to implement I know!)
  • In reply to Jody:

    Hi Jody - thanks for sharing your thoughts. Good to see that some of my thinking and current work with the team is on the right lines :)

    It's interesting you talk about developing leadership skills in all - one of our 'core' elements of the scheme will include the development of these skills and qualities - in what form is yet to be decided. Ultimately we want these individuals to move up the pipeline so it only seems right to add a compulsory section on leadership development.

    L&D wise, the scheme will be tailored to each participant so I agree in making opportunities accessible to all... we will start with career and self-assessment based conversations to help participants identify areas of L&D that will be useful to them. They will have an L&D budget (quite a significant amount!) allocated to them too which should prove useful in breaking down barriers of what they may want to interact with to upskill.

    LM involvement is always a tricky one, right?! We are weighing up how far we get them involved but think its key to ensure participants are able to discuss progress with LMs and get opportunities for stretch in their work to ocmplement the development opportunities available to them. Huge callenge as you say regarding these catch-ups - I think we will need to communicate well with LMs and offer some sessions with them so they understand the importance of their role in our scheme.
