Inclusive Leadership


I am keen to hear how other organisations are doing regarding an Inclusive Leadership Strategy.  We are in YR1 of th a 3YR plan, which year very much focuses on awareness and education.

To date we have facilitated I&D training to Leadership members, which includes:

  • Sharing the business case for change
  • Sharing potential gains for all parties (business and individual)
  • Coaching on the 7 traits of Inclusive Leadership
  • Coaching on having uncomfortable conversation (calling/calling out)

A condensed version has been delivered site wide so the whole site has started the I&D journey.

But I'm missing how we measure the impact of what we are doing? How can we measure the impact in the change of behaviour? 

  • PDPs?
  • 360 Feedbacks?
  • KPIs? 

Is there anyone who'd like to share their I&D strategy/journey with me?

  • Hi Kelly Marie,

    Thank you for sharing your approach. We are only just formulating our strategy so unfortunately I am unable to share any insights at the moment but, like you, I am keen to find out what metrics others are using.

    I have a question, however, about the 7 traits of inclusive leadership you are referring to as I am currently researching training in this area. Would you mind sharing the source of the 7 traits and whether you have used an external coach for this purpose?

    Many thanks
  • I have absolutely little idea what "inclusive Leadership' is, but what I would have done was to have looked at what you were trying to change, alter, improve, reduce etc., etc., by introducing your training and measured those things - outcomes !!!

    Was there some problem/s or issue/s you were trying to resolve?
    Was something being done, or not being done which you were hoping to change? Those are the things you can measure. What did you expect those you trained to do differently?

    You wondered about using PDPs, 360 feedback & KPIs. Well unless what you did in terms of the training would result in a change in those three things then you won't see any difference in them. And I can't answer that for you as I didn't know what results you expected to see.

    Once you have decided what outcomes you expected then the line managers of those you trained may be able to measure, albeit subjectively changes in the people who report to them. If you already have 360 feedback, then you could, depending on what you are measuring look at ways this might be measured through feedback.

    Ultimately all/most training should have an impact on profit (in theory),as the crudest method of measuring the outcomes of training.!!