Engagement & Family Status

Hi all,

As part of a D, E & I project we are currently carrying out a "deep dive" into our engagement stats according to different forms of diversity, one of which is family status.  Is anyone able to share with me please, their results on engagement according to family status?

We have noticed that our single parent colleagues return higher engagement results than those colleagues with no children or those who are partnered parents/guardians.  

We have a number of thoughts about the potential reasons, and I would be really interested to hear what your experiences are.

Many thanks

  • I think that with this, your best approach would be to have a workshop with people from the relevant groups and ask them.

    In a previous organisation, we noticed that full time men between the ages of 50 and 60 had considerably lower engagement levels than other groups. We were at risk of assuming it was an organisational thing that we were doing wrong, but when we mentioned it in a meeting with Unions (the reps of which all happened to fall into that group), we got some surprising feedback. They were very much in agreement that at that age, many of them realised they were coming to the end of their career and were disappointed that they hadn't progressed as far as they had hoped. They were also struggling with their own identify, having spent so many years as 'dad', now their children were leaving school. That also had a knock on effect in terms of relationships with their wives, as they adapted to being a 'couple ' again. It was really insightful
  • Those with no children having to take extra burden when those with children go on paid extra leave. Family friendly policies focus on care responsibilities so much and end up punishing other employees for not having children. Need policies to support them in different ways, like "study leave" or "volunteer/charity leave" may be used more by childless employees.
  • In reply to Teresa:

    Hi Teresa, Thanks for your feedback. Our next step is exactly that, meeting with those colleagues to ask those questions. I am hoping to have some information from fellow HR colleagues as well, as the meetings are a couple of weeks away yet.
  • In reply to Anna:

    Thanks Anna, an interesting point.