Enquiring about Reasonable Adjustments

We want to be more pro-active with people joining our organisation - and we want to ensure that all employees have the opportunity to participate equally in the workplace.  One suggestion is that we enclose a letter with the offer of employment which basically asks all new employees to let us know if there are any reasonable adjustments we could make to either the workplace or their working arrangements that would support and help them in their new role.  

I've not done this before and just wondered what other's thoughts are, as there doesn't seem to be any guidance on this approach - rather that we wait for employees to disclose anything they want to share - which they may feel apprehensive about disclosing.

Any comments most welcome!  Thank you. 

  • HI Helen
    Our employees fill in a questionnaire which is sent direct to OH, it asks them if there are any adjustments that would be required to assist you in your role. We supply a job description to OH and they advise us what we need to do. We do not see the results of the questionnaire only get details of any adjustments we need to make. Some employees will share more details with their manager while others prefer to keep it between them and OH.
  • I think this is a pretty standard approach - also wise to ask at shortlisting/interview stage during recruitment as well to ensure you are proactive in removing barriers. From my experience, this is an incredibly common question to be asked during a routine onboarding process.

    It's important not to rely on it as the be-all and end-all - someone may not wish to disclose at that stage or they may think they don't need adjustments but after doing the job realise that they do, or they may acquire a health condition at a later stage that then requires adjustments. But overall, it's good practice to ask and may result in people coming forward early.
  • In reply to Tracey:

    Thanks Tracey and Sophie - really helpful.  

  • When we induct a new employee, we have a check list of items to cover and one of the questions we specifically ask is do you have any condition/disability which you think the company needs to be aware of. If they say yes, we then discuss if there are any measures we can take to support them with this. This is all noted and kept on their file.