Ideas for Black History Month?

Is anyone able to share some ideas on how they are acknowledging black history month? I’ve been working to try and get a diversity and inclusion committee set up but it’s been delayed due to other projects but feel it’s important to acknowledge black history month, particularly as we have a couple of black employees and we did a communication on pride month earlier in the year. I’m concerned if we don’t do something to acknowledge it then this won’t go unnoticed but then equally we have employees from other ethnic backgrounds but Im hoping the D&I committee will help generate ideas on how we can recognise and support our colleagues from other backgrounds .I’m trying to make our company more inclusive and for all and we are making some progress but any help here would be appreciated

  • Duncan I would be clear first about what you are trying to achieve here. I think longer term the D&I committee is the way to go. Colleague involvement and action has to be the main driver. Posting the odd random post on BHM, Pride or whatever will be seen by most colleagues as what it is - potentially well intentioned but tokenism.

    But you could start here


    As some great materials and thought provoking suggestions
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    12 Oct, 2021 15:10

    Hi Duncan,

    I agree with Keith. Black people are making history every day and it's important not to 'just' discuss the topic once a year. Looking at the #BlackHistoryMonth hashtag on LinkedIn or Twitter may spark some inspiration.

    We also have some practical guidance on establishing an employee resource group (ERG) for black and ethnic minority employees, including the business case for doing so.

    There's a lot on the CIPD website about anti-racism and tackling racism at work - for example, these 'lived experience' videos that could form part of a discussion[?]

    Good luck!

  • Keith, I agree with your points. Steve, there are phrases that make me shudder I.e. "...black and ethnic minority employees..." an act of word segregation. Its important that you ask and find out from colleagues what they want and need to identify the best approach and to inform your committees. Duncan I think rather than looking outwards for "black history" you could look internally and promotes the stories of your colleagues - it will go a long way to recognise, acknowledge and include them as important contributors to your companies success and history.