Experience Assessment - Chartered

Hi there, After several years of putting it off I’ve finally committed to start the Chartered level Experience Assessment. I’m a generalist and work in a consultancy capacity for smaller business. Prior to that, an in-house HR manager. I wonder if there are members on the same journey who wanted to join a study group? Others who would consider sharing their experiences? Rebecca
  • hello all, I am in my final week of EA and would welcome any feedback on the EA interview, mine is booked for end July for the normal 3 hours thanks
  • In reply to Jessica:

    Hi Jessica, sorry for the late response. Work meetings have taken over my life at the moment so could do with some distraction. I haven't started it yet, just drafting my CV for submission but unsure how much detail and what format to pitch it at.
  • In reply to Claire:

    Hi Claire, I clearly missed your zoom meeting but would value some tips on submission please. My email is Karen.edwards26@nhs.net
  • In reply to Karen:

    Hi Karen,
    I'm also in the process of drafting my cv to upload. Not sure if it is too late to join the zoom calls with everyone else, but if not my email address is Hannah.mansfield@mottmac.com
  • In reply to Karen:

    Hi Karen

    Sorry for the delay in responding to your post.

    Unfortunately I have received news that I didn't achieve Chartered membership and have instead been awarded Associate membership. I'm afraid this means that I don't feel best placed to give support or guidance :( I would highly recommend building a support network with others going though it at the same time though as it can feel a little "lonely". It sounds like there are a couple of people on this thread who you can link in with which I am sure you will find beneficial.

    Wishing you all the best with your submission!

    Best wishes
  • In reply to jill:

    Hi Jill
    I had my EA interview this week and know two other people I connected with at the beginning of my EA journey through this community, who have been such a fantastic support and who had their interviews in the past month. Each of our experiences have been different. The interview can last from under two hours to just under four hours. They may go through each question to understand more detail or they may just hit on a few. They may ask you about your sector and organisational context.

    We all agreed that it's been really really hard work, which should not be underestimated.

    Wishing you all the very best.
  • In reply to jill:

    Hi Jill, is it possible for you to share any feedback/thoughts on the interview and potential challenges. Mine is booked in first week of Jan and could really use some help.
  • In reply to Muhammad Shoaib:

    Hello Muhammad

    The interviewer will ask you to explain and expand on the work you have submitted, looking at what and how you did it and it’s impact, they are looking for you to demonstrate that your partnering at a strategic level.

    So think beyond your submission and what your work has led to and what you have done beyond that, for example recruiting can lead to a talent strategy.

    Read the profession map (new) which gives you ideas on what the criteria is for the grades.

    They will go through your strengths and opportunities, and CPD. You will also have an Oporto add anything you’ve missed.

    They are genuinely looking for ways to prove you have hit the criteria and to support you to pass

    Let me know if this helps

  • In reply to Jenny Stockton-Pugh:

    Hi Jenny I did this in the summer if you want a chat - Jill
  • In reply to jill:

    Thanks a lot, Jill. That's very helpful.
    During the interview can we examples submitted in front of us as I have used a range of different examples and some are quite overlapping in terms of skills and expertise. Would the assessor give this opportunity to quickly look through the examples submitted? And would the review session be in the same flow as of submission or they can ask questions in a random fashion?

  • In reply to Muhammad Shoaib:

    Questions will just be asked in a random fashion on the evidence that you have already submitted, so expanding on them.

    If you have notes in front of you that’s fine from my experience, perhaps just say I made a note on that can I just check? She said to me I think that it was ok to have notes
  • In reply to Jenny Stockton-Pugh:

    Hi Jenny. I am currently looking to upgrade to a Chartered and researching currently. Have you received your questions yet and also it it specific to individual?
  • In reply to Roshini:

    Hi I upgraded in the summer 2021 if I can answer any questions
  • In reply to jill:

    Hi Jill. I would like to understand the below:

    1.expectations re the kind of questions and evidences.
    2.stakeholder feedback?
    3.duration of the the whole process
    3.study/ mentor support, if available
    4.what should we prepare for the professional discussion
    5. Would there be a standard set of questions against each membership?
    I wold like clarification on the above.
  • In reply to Imran Dawood:

    Hi this is fantastic - just reading your posts. I have started mine 1st April and would welcome some advice on how to structure the answers. Thanks so much