Experience Assessment - Guidance Required

Dear CIPD Colleagues,

I am currently working on my experience assessment to become a Chartered Member and i am very excited about this importnat milestone in my professional life. So far, I have finished the self assessment, Impact Report, and one of the colleague assessments.

I would really appreciate it if someone can assist me answer the below questions for my next steps (Case Study and Professional Discussion):

- I read every where that the 2 weeks for case study are really intensive. Is it so insentive that I should be on days off? If not, what would be the average time needed daily to work on the case study? 

- Once I am done and waiting for my professional discussion, what should I do to prepare for it? Is there anything that you recommend I study/read other than the examples I submitted in my impact report and self assessment? 

Thanks in advance for the assistance. 



  • Hi Fahad

    I’m just posting to bump your questions back up the order as I’m afraid I don’t know what is involved in this assessment. I’m sure there are others out there who do.
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thank you Elizabeth.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    19 Dec, 2018 07:12

    Hi Fahad,

    These are excellent threads to review...

    Finally 'Chartered' via the Experience Assessment route!

    MCIPD Experience Assessment

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks a lot Steve. The 2nd thread is really what I was looking for.
  • Hi Community,

    I have recently registered for experience assessment for MCIPD. Is anyone out there in the same boat or going into this about now or been through this process? If yes, I need some help or buddy please.

    I’m a Workforce Planning & Information Specialist - so a bit of a non-standard HR professional. However, I’ve been based in HR&OD departments, and working with HRBPs/Managers for over 15 years. I’m basically HR systems, data, reporting, modelling, insights, etc.

    It would be good to connect with others in the community going through the assessment process or others who have already done this.

    I have already reviewed the threads recommended by Mr Steve Bridger.

    Many thanks,


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    3 Apr, 2019 13:44

    In reply to Steven:

    Welcome, Steven. Hope those threads have been useful. They're pretty comprehensive.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Thanks Steve. Yes, a useful start...
  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi Steve,
    Quick question - should I start a new post to make contact with those who have been through experience assessment? Thanks
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    8 Apr, 2019 18:42

    In reply to Steven:

    Hi Steven - I wouldn't start a new post. The could try @mention-ing people in this thread. Or email me at s.bridger@cipd.co.uk... and let me know who you would like to contact and I will do it.
  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi Steven,
    I have 36 days to go until I submit my Experience Assessment. I'm finding it tough. Mainly because I'm lacking some confidence in my capabilities, I'm generally not good at talking about myself and for my Impact report I've struggled to refine examples for Section 2 & 4 that are not sprawling, huge pieces of work too difficult to describe to someone not working in the organisation. Despite talking to colleagues about my approach and the examples I'm choosing, I am finding the whole thing slightly isolating!
    I'm doing more of the Impact Report today. I've drafted all my responses to the Self Assessment but they need editing as most are too long. I'm going to start the Case Study tomorrow, which terrifies me!
    If you still feel the need to discuss anything related to your EA, then please get in touch!
  • In reply to Sarah Chappell:

    Hi Sarah,
    Thanks v.much for your reply, and great work on starting the assessment head-on! I am due to start in a weeks and do not know what to expect at the moment. So feeling a bit anxious. I too have sprawling, huge pieces of work so do not know where to start/end, etc. Yes, I would very much welcome some advice, and to discuss this 'terrifying' thing you. So will message you. Hoping all case study is going well. All the best
  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi Steven,
    I am now half way through the 8 weeks and into week 2 of the case study. It's driving me to distraction. It's a lot of work. I've now done all my reading for it and additional research. I really need to start writing it, but currently wondering how best to present is...

    ...So of course, I'm writing to you as a form of avoidance of the inevitable!

    As others have already said, don't underestimate the amount of time you need to spend on each element. The impact report is particularly time consuming. I haven't finished mine yet, it's on hold while I do the case study which is on another level in terms of the sheer volume of information, deciding its importance, distilling everything down into manageable chunks. I've also had to do a bit of reading around to remind myself of certain things.

    Good luck & get in touch if you need.

  • In reply to Sarah Chappell:

    Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for this, and for finding the time to write to me in the midst of your assessment. Very helpful, great! I did mail you on the 'messaging' on here, but not sure you got it? If not, let me know? I start/ get access to the assessment portal Monday, so the waiting is almost over....
    Keep going and the good work, it sounds like you are nearly there. I will need some help initially with the compiling impact report evidence, etc
    Thanks again,
  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi Steven,
    No, I didn't get your message, but there was initially as issue with my username.
    I'm guessing you got access yesterday. I hope you are not feeling too overwhelmed by it all. I submitted my case study this morning and am glad it's behind me!!
    Get in touch if you want to discuss anything.
  • In reply to Sarah Chappell:

    Hi Sarah,
    Good afternoon!
    I must say very well done on submitting your case study - that’s great! Excellent! Yes, I did get access yesterday AND surprisingly? (It has not knock me out yet??..). I hear it - Steven, give it a day or two to sink in!). I have not felt overwhelmed yet reading through the basics.
    I did send you a message, will try it again (as I am not sure I can put my email on here. If it fails again, let me know how to conveniently/easily communicate?). Alternatively, Steve Bridger can help us out surely?
    Have a great afternoon, and very well done!! I suggest you celebrate!!!