Experience Assessment - Guidance Required

Dear CIPD Colleagues,

I am currently working on my experience assessment to become a Chartered Member and i am very excited about this importnat milestone in my professional life. So far, I have finished the self assessment, Impact Report, and one of the colleague assessments.

I would really appreciate it if someone can assist me answer the below questions for my next steps (Case Study and Professional Discussion):

- I read every where that the 2 weeks for case study are really intensive. Is it so insentive that I should be on days off? If not, what would be the average time needed daily to work on the case study? 

- Once I am done and waiting for my professional discussion, what should I do to prepare for it? Is there anything that you recommend I study/read other than the examples I submitted in my impact report and self assessment? 

Thanks in advance for the assistance. 



  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi Sarah,
    Hope all going well and your assessment is now in/or about to go? I have tried, and tried (and failed miserably so far to make contact). If you are in a position to, please get my details from Steve (I did also ask for him to help us communicate).
    Thanks, and good day!
  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi Steven,
    That's weird, I haven't had any notifications. How are you getting on?
    I'm about to submit everything else today, 4 days ahead of my deadline. I'm so pleased to get it finished!
  • In reply to Sarah Chappell:

    Hi Sarah,
    That is great news!!! Very well done! and ahead of your deadline by a whole 4 days - that excellent! I am doing ok (I think!). I haven't been able to make contact with anyone/check/get a different opinion, etc with anyone whatsoever. I have drafting impact report/self assessment etc at the moment. I'm hoping to start case study next week. If you are able to, please get in touch. I also suggest you keep celebrating this week end! Steven
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    31 May, 2019 11:14

    In reply to Steven:

    Steven, Sarah Chappell... I can put you in touch with one another - if you like[?]
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve,
    That's fine by me.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve, please do so.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    31 May, 2019 12:20

    In reply to Steven:

    OK... will sort this out now (via email).
  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi Steven. I think you are on the same timeline as me for your experience assessment.

    Have you done your case study yet? I was quite surprised at how much information they gave you vs the word count. I submitted at 10:30 this eve on the deadline day .. eeeek cutting it fine. I had to take a day off work to do some major chopping today. I have probably spent about 80 hours on it all together using the bank hols to my advantage. Definitely recommend others to book some days off if they are starting soon.

    Good luck with the rest of the process. I just have the self assessment to go now. I have never been very good at competency questions!
  • In reply to Hayley:

    Hi Hayley,
    How nice to hear from you - yes, we are on about same timeline, with you just ahead. I must say very well done with the case study!! That is excellent work! Your messaging could not have been timed better as I clicked on Case Study this morning. I have just had a quick scan through....I think I now understand when I read on here that it is vast! I'll have another look later this evening I think. Great you've given me some ideas about effort/time required, etc. I think I'll need to organise a day or two off work for this bit. Keep up with the excellent work on self assessment - that should be much easier now. Good day and talk again soon
  • Hi All!
    I have just started the Case Study on the Experience assessment. Would be great to link up with a buddy if there is anyone going through it too.... 85 pages long! Oh my word...
  • In reply to Carl:

    Hi Carl,
    Welcome!!...:-) I am nearly on day 10 with the case study, felt the same as you when I clicked on the case study last week end. I'm not too sure I am of much help after 10 days but will do my best, so feel free to contact me if you need to.
  • In reply to Steven:

    Hi All,
    I submitted my stuff last night. I'm feeling great today! Taken a day off work:-).
    Thanks to Sarah C, Bee Hayley for your messages.
  • In reply to Steven:

    Well done! Have a well-deserved day off!
  • In reply to Steven:

    Whoop Well Done!
  • Hi All,

    Just thought I'd pop by and let you know I got notification today that I passed the Experience Assessment and I am now officially a Chartered Member! Thanks for all the support while I was in the thick of it. Good luck to those still in the midst of writing their submissions.

