Experience Assessment - Chartered Member

Hello everyone, 

I'm based in Hertfordshire and work in Central London. I work within the talent acquisition and recruitment role and after many years of thinking about getting the membership, I have finally signed up to take the assessment path. I have recently started my assessment and I'm due to submit this end of May, with my professional discussion booked in for June 20th. 

I'd love to connect with anyone who might have the same timeline or if you have recently successfully completed gaining the membership. I'm enjoying doing the questions in the assessment and think it's a good way to look back on my achievements and work. 

I'm however interested to hear what are Stakeholders asked, do they get similar questions or an open ended text to provide feedback. 

I'm doing this with my full time job and juggling life with a 8 year old daughter and 11 month old puppy. 



  • In reply to Dorthy :

    Hi Dorthy,

    Congratulation on starting your assessment! It might seems daunting at the beginning (I felt overwhelmed), but you have got this.

    While tools like ChatGPT or any AI can arguably help in our professional work/delivery, your assessment is basically your personal experience, and you are the best person to articulate them. I recommend you start early, use CIPD's provided timeline and other online guidelines , seek support from others as you have done here, speak with your colleagues/managers on your past achievements (so you don't miss any important detail) , always review your responses to ensure they are complete and accurate.

    The subtitles on each question provides opportunity to share an in-depth description of the achievement/innovation etc that you mentioned in the main question.

    You can reach out if you need any support (bola.af20@gmail.com).
