Experience Assessment - Professional discussion hints & tips for you

I have just finished my experience assessment professional discussion as the final part.

Some Hints & tips for those who are yet to complete:

- refresh your memory/print the resources pages you are signposted to during the 3 core areas (knowledge and impact report etc). I was asked to explore further other areas that relate to the resources and didn't have this to hand.

- Re read your submissions to remind you of your examples if you completed early on. These will be referenced and referred back to to expand on. 

- Define out: Stakeholders, Customers and peers for you.

- The assessor used the VACS method for assessing.

- Look at your development and strength areas again and why these were chosen. Ask your stakeholders what they shared so that you can be prepared to answer the questions. 

- Have a look at legislative changes that have or will potentially impact you in your role and have a think about how this may/may not influence your decisions. 

We covered Knowledge and Impact report first, expanding on the examples and providing additional evidence then a break

Then the other 2 areas.

Hope it helps others prepare!

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    7 Feb, 2024 17:23

    Thanks so much for sharing this, ... and best of luck!

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    7 Feb, 2024 17:28

    In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Some more tips here, including some posts today...

     Experience Assessment - Chartered Member 

  • Thanks Ellie, this is very helpful. Mine is on 21st. What’s the VACS method? I’ve not heard of it and Google not helping so far.
  • Johanna

    | 0 Posts

    CIPD Staff

    12 Feb, 2024 14:02

    In reply to Jen:

    Hi Jen, I looked into this and asked one of my colleagues who is in the CIPD assessment team. This refers to the VARCS framework (Valid, authentic, current, sufficient, reliable). In essence, these are the principles we apply to our assessment decisions/conversations but we don't refer to it specifically.
  • Ellie - this is really useful thanks so much.

    I've just answered the situational decision making question in the behaviour report and I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations on the best approach for this as I'm now questioning if I have interpreted the question correctly!

    Thanks so much

  • In reply to Kirstie:

    I had my PD this week so I don’t yet know if I’ve been successful but looking at my behaviour report that question seems to be asking you to reflect on a decision and its impact and show how it will influence your future practice. I wrote about a restructure where the process was sound legally but the transition and re-training didn’t go so well and explained how I will apply that learning to a current restructure
  • In reply to Jen:

    Thanks Jen - good luck! I hope it went well. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. Ok that's great, sounds like I'm on the right track. I've also included
    an element of how I've improved my decision making approach as well. I hope this will be ok! Thanks again and good luck!
  • In reply to Jen:

    Thanks Jen - good luck! I hope it went well. I really appreciate you taking the time to reply. Ok that's great, sounds like I'm on the right track. I've also included
    an element of how I've improved my decision making approach as well. I hope this will be ok! Thanks again and good luck!
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Hi Johanna, this is really helpful. Thank you for clarifying.
  • In reply to Omobolanle:

    Hi all, I thought I’d come back and say that I was successful in achieving Chartered membership so now I will happily help others with the added benefit of knowing I did understand the instructions correctly!
  • In reply to Jen:

    Good news. Congratulations Jen.
  • In reply to Jen:

    Congratulations Jen and thank you to you and Ellie for sharing your insight.
    Hopefully this is a journey I will be undertaking in the not too distant future.
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    5 Apr, 2024 08:03

    In reply to Jen:

    Congratulations, , that's great. Thank you.

  • Hi Ellie, hope you don’t mind me responding to your post which is very helpful btw! I just submitted my reports yesterday and my PD is 14th June. I’m really worried to be honest. I just feel like my responses were weak in my reports although I tried to make them as strategic as possible and feel like my evidence uploads won’t hit the mark either. I just wondered if you could share more about the PD in terms of the strategic angle they look for? I know I’ve worked strategically but it’s making sure I get that across well! :( Thanks, Kimberley.
  • In reply to Kimberley Ewart:

    Hi Kimberley,

    As part of my discussion I was asked to expand on many of my answers in the report. I was also given the opportunity to share new examples if I felt it was appropriate.

    My advise therefore would be to review the professional map ahead of your discussion against your reports. If you feel you have better examples to demonstrate the competence being looked for you can share that with your examiner during the discussion.

    I too was worried about whether some of my examples had hit the mark so ahead of my discussion I jotted down other examples just in case to share.

    I hope thats helpful!