Questions about starting Experience Assessment

I’ve been planning to apply for the experience assessment for the past few months, and my work have offered to part-fund this, but I’m a little under confident about choosing the correct level. If I apply for the chartered level and am unsuccessful, will I have to go back and start again with the associate level from scratch? Or can they award a lower level if they feel appropriate?

Also once I apply for the assessment - is there a set-time limit that starts straight away? I feel I should ensure I plan sufficient time in to meet the deadlines. 

Probably straightforward answers but I just want to make sure I’ve got everything right before I submit an application. 

  • Hi Alexander
    Welcome to Experience Assessment! Great to hear that you are looking to get started and that you've secured part funding.
    I work as an Assessor in the EA team and so can help with your queries.
    Choosing the level - a really important first step to set yourself up for success. Our on-line Pre-Assessment Tool is your 'go to' to help your decide which membership level is right for you. So please have a go and reflect on which level your work examples would most closely match. Don't forget to check the membership standards too.

    Outcomes - we have a 96%+ pass rate - that means most people are choosing the right level of membership for them following completing the pre-assessment tool and reading our membership standards info. However, if you don't meet the membership requirements following completion of the full assessment, your assessor will look to see if you have provided enough evidence to meet the next membership level down and where possible, award that. Note: this is not guaranteed and does depend on what evidence you share through the assessment process.
    So the good news is that you wouldn't have to start again!

    Starting EA - when you start your assessment is completely up to you. You nominate your start date. We want to be as flexible as possible as we know you're committing to this alongside work and other things. So you are quite right - think about when is a good time for you. Remember: you will need to commit round 7 working days but you will have a result within 4 months! So well worth the investment :)
    Good luck with all the next steps!!!
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    13 Feb, 2023 12:55

    In reply to Olivia:

    Thanks, Olivia.
  • Hi Alexander, I'm interested to know if you decided to go ahead with EA? I've just started mine and keen to find some people who might be going through the process at the same time.
    Let me know :-)
  • In reply to Kathryn:

    Hey Kathryn, did you start yours and find people to help. I started mine a few weeks ago and its been a slog. Didn't really get any response from anyone on here as to support. Would be good to connect just to verify if I am going in the right direction with my responses. Thanks

    P Middleton

  • In reply to Olivia:

    Hi, Are there any assessors that help individuals with the online upgrade assessment? I have some ideas for answering the questions, but would just like to chat it over before submitting. Thanks
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    17 Jan, 2024 12:30

    In reply to Elisabeth Rutter:


  • In reply to Elisabeth Rutter:

    Hi Lizzi
    Great to hear that you're preparing for your upgrade assessment.
    Whilst we don't provide one to one support to candidates who are looking to upgrade as this is designed as a straightforward, time saving route for existing members, there is plenty of help on hand.
    Our 'Preparing for your assessment' guide (link below) is your go to as this gives all the information you will need with great tips and advice to use every step of the way. It looks like you've already been thinking about what evidence to share with us when answering the questions, so I would really recommend you check out the guidance on types of examples to share and importantly how to showcase the impact you've had.
    Good luck!! :)

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    17 Jan, 2024 17:07

    In reply to Olivia:

    Thanks, Olivia :)
  • In reply to Olivia:

    Hi Olivia - this link isn't working. Do you have another link we can do - struggling with the online form assessment - thank you!
  • In reply to Sinthu:

    Hi Sinthu - from your message it looks like you're completing our form based assessment to upgrade your membership to Chartered Member.
    Here's the link to the guidance to support you. www.cipd.org/.../new_written_applicationcandidate_guidance_chartered_member__v1.1.pdf
    Good luck!
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    30 Apr, 2024 07:38

    In reply to Olivia:


  • In reply to Olivia:

    Good morning, Olivia.

    Thank you for posing this. Is there a similar guidance sheet for Associate membership via experience assessment? The online tool suggested I was ready, & downloaded the profession map and put this into a workbook, checking off in more detail where I think I am, but I'm not sure if I'm deluding myself about how much I've achieved.
  • In reply to Matthew:

    Hi Matthew
    Good to hear that you're considering gaining Associate membership via our Experience Assessment route.

    You've taken the first important step to finding out if this is right for you by completing the pre-assessment tool online. This will have given you both a clear sense of what evidence you will need to complete the full assessment, but also if there are any gaps that you need to reflect on before moving forward.

    The EA webpage provides a range of information on what the full assessment involves and detailed FAQs which I'm sure will help. www.cipd.org/.../
    However the membership standards rather than the full professional map are your 'go to' to support your thinking around whether you have the right evidence. You can find these here www.cipd.org/.../

    If you do decide to go ahead, when you register we also request a copy of your CV to review before you start your assessment to make sure you are aware of any significant risks to securing a positive outcome (note: this doesn't guarantee you will be successful following the full assessment as this depends on the evidence you choose to share).

    So....check your pre-assessment tool outcome, review the membership standards for the membership level you are looking to gain, check what's involved using the EA webpage, reflect on the evidence you have to bring to the assessment, register for final checks.

    Good luck!
  • In reply to Olivia:

    Many thanks, Olivia.

    I had been through the EA pages & had a look at the membership standards as well. I was interested to see that the Specialist Knowledge section of the profession map not included in the membership standards - can I assume this isn't assessed in EA?

    I've only been in a straight HR role since Jan 24, but prior to this as a School Bursar & School Business Manager HR was part of my remit. This dates back to 2012, although I had a break from the workplace following an illness. Is evidence only relevant from the past five years?

    Finally I have a leadership role in a charity. Can experience here be used?
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    4 Jun, 2024 12:10

    In reply to Olivia:
