Are you an employer looking to implement and invest in AI?

Steve Bridger

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Community Manager

13 Nov, 2023 10:15

Lots going on to support you stay future-ready in your workplace.

The CIPD published New guidance: How AI can be used to support HR functions... in the summer, and while the latest Labour Market Outlook released this week shows varied responses to generative AI use from organisations, it does highlight the increasing role that generative AI is playing in the labour market and that many are now exploring the opportunities to improve productivity.

There's a thought piece here:


While on topic, we also updated the Profession Map at the start of the month. The PM has evolved to include a new standard on AI, as well as a comprehensive update to the People Analytics specialism to make it more practical and relevant to your day-to-day work.

As we know (and discuss here), AI is rapidly reshaping the world of work.

The new standards on AI set out the knowledge required at different career stages and highlight the ethical and responsible use of AI-embedded technologies. 

More on this here:
