NJC Sick Pay Scheme Help!


We have taken in a TUPE team of staff who are on the National Joint Council collective agreement sick pay Scheme. We have employees who are on 6 months sick pay and 6 months half pay, but cannot agree on how this works if someone is of continuously. Has anyone else come across this scheme who could clarify, If someone uses 6 months full pay and 6 months half pay, does this simply "regenerate" into the next 12 month period, so an employee could effectively be off sick on pay forever?

  • www.schoolbusinessservices.co.uk/.../Green-Book-Dec-16.pdf

    Hi James - this might help - section 10. Once 6 months half pay is up pay goes to zero unless you agree to extend in extenuating circumstances. If employee comes back for a while and then is absent again you deduct what they have taken in a rolling 12 month period. Teaching staff are different in that the clock starts again unless the absence continues over March / April I believe. Formal action can happen well before these trigger points however.
  • In reply to Amanda:

    Hi Amanda, yes that does clarify things. Thanks for your help