HR officer in a academy doing out of role jobs

Hello everyone.

This is my first post here and I want to just say I have been reading various discussions, and find that we have a great community here.

I would like some knowledge, opinions and thoughts on my post.

I am a new HR officer in a academy (secondary school) and am in charge with the day to day hr admin which has a huge backlog as there has been no previous, established hr role. 

WIthout making this sound like a complaint, I rather am sharing my frustration in the hopes of getting guided in the correct path.

During my interview, I was promised progression and was offered my role in the interview. I have been working in the school for two months and have started to feel as if I am just a run around, fill in member if staff. 

Alongside my very busy schedule, I have been getting told ( I receive  an email from the principle getting told I will be doing threshold at 2pm). I then have been given another duty to hand out snacks to the year 11s at the end of the day. I also do lunch duty. 

I find it difficult to make my own plans, to have meetings and organise my workload when I get pulled to do tasks outside my role. I know they need more support staff and I am happy to help where I can however, I feel like a line is being crossed. 

I already provide help by translating to parents in meetings and telephone calls as many of the parents cannot speak English. On top of it I do lunch duty for half an hour and provide snacks at the end of the day for 40 minutes. Now I have been told to do mobile phone threshold for students which takes an additional 40-50 minutes. It is very difficult to be running around the school to be at different parts as well as staying on top of my own workload. It makes me feel panicked and rushed as I try to remember  the things I need completing by the end of the day whilst also trying to complete these additional tasks. 

I also get asked to help out with other various things and feel like the more I say yes the more I get given and taken for granted. I don’t feel like there is any sense of establishment for my role nor any appreciation of my tasks. I very much want to focus on the HR duties which need to be carried out without being stressed and worrying about doing tasks outside my role. 

This has been causing an overwhelming feeling for me as I find myself stressed on the weekends, unhappy how this makes me feel. I would like some thoughts on this please. Is this how HR in schools/academies are? I find it difficult to mention my frustration as these are things the principle tells me to, much rather than asking for help if possible. 

  • I work in a secondary school (though independent), and would say that some of what you mention here is familiar - you need to be prepared to pitch in when you work in a school, and being too rigid about what is/isn't your job means that you wouldn't be a good fit. At the same time, that doesn't feel like what you're describing in your OP - as it sounds like you're being pulled in so many directions that your core job isn't possible. That feels like a far more fundamental issue, which needs to be resolved.

    I would suggest doing a bit of analysis about how much you're being taken away from the HR work you've been employed to do, and then making an appointment with your line manager to review it. Being up front about the impact this will have on what you can achieve, and trying to establish how they see the role evolving, will help you understand if it's the role for you. Ultimately, if the person they need is someone who can be a full time support staff worker across multiple areas, one of which is HR, then you may not choose to remain there.

    On the other hand, if this is a short term issue while they recruit permanent staff or handle the staff absences related to the pandemic - well then I'd take it as an opportunity to learn more about the school as a whole, and be seen as someone who will usually be willing and able to help.

    Good luck.

  • I am sorry for how you are feeling and for your recent experiences. I am not in an Academy (although ama Governor/ Trustee etc)

    There are three things here (in no order):
    1) The school is short staffed and needs every hand to the pump
    2) The school hasn't had HR before and has no real idea of what effective HR management can add
    3) Your expectations and those of the school are significantly different

    These are combining to cause you stress and anxiety. As the HR officer you can work on a plan / approach to address (1). It makes more sense (probably) to have appropriate lunch time cover than have other professionals do these roles at higher pay rates. So can you come up with a strategy to address this shortfall?

    In terms of (2) in your two months or so what have you been focusing on? Has it ben seen to be value adding or has it been low level activity? How can you find little projects and ideas (that appeal to the Head) that show what you can do and what good HR can do? Have you started building networks of colleagues in other local Academies and getting some ideas of them? What was the Heads vision at interview that appealed to you and which bits of this are you moving forward or could?

    In terms of (3) at end of day you need to sit down and talk to your Boss and discuss your role, how you feel and where its working well and where its not working.

    I have worked in many roles where from time to time you do other stuff - sometimes I go with that and sometimes I find a better solution (if I can) to dodge it. The solution will come from talking, from identifying where you can add value and by finding alternative people to do teh tasks that you shouldnt.