Sports Coaches - Teaching Contracts or not?

We are an independent school, and we don't normally employ sports coaches as contracted staff, we usually have self-employed coaches coming in to provide their services.

However we are about to appoint two coaches as salaried employees - query is whether they should be on a teaching contract or a support staff contract (major difference being Teachers' Pension Scheme or not)

They will be coaching mainly after school/lunch times i.e. extra curricular.

Any advice/experience of this in terms of type of contract?

Thanks in advance.

  • It's arguable either way, but in my mind (and the schools I've worked in) they are support staff. If they couldn't do the work of a teacher they shouldn't be paid as one. So if they are coaching a lesson at the direction of someone who knows what needs to be taught (rather than developing a scheme of work, providing pastoral care, being a tutor, writing reports etc), they are support.

    Also, TPS is so expensive that I think you'll find that most schools narrow rather than widen that access.

    Hope that helps.

  • We have recently appointed similar and they were employed as support staff. Same reasons expressed as Nina.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thanks - that had been my inclination, especially due to TPS