'Remote First' Policy


I'm working with a client at the moment who is looking to create a 'remote first' WFH policy. Looking at the HSE website it comes across to me that equipment is not legally required to be provided if the staff member has suitable provisions in place already. Client has asked for clarity on this, would anyone be able to shed some light? It's likely they will either provide equipment or offer an 'allowance' but it would be good to know what is required to be provided as a 'bare minimum' for information purposes.

Many thanks


  • The HSE / general H&S procedures are concerned around the workplace being safe and suitable equipment being provided - not who owns the equipment. Thus if an individual has a perfect working from home set up that you are satisfied meets all the requirements after a risk assessment then is no need/obligation/point in you replacing it with your bits.

    However you still have an obligation to check things are fit for your purpose
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    26 Jul, 2022 07:31

    In reply to Keith:

    I think that's true. I do note organisations are taking steps to enforce employees using their own tech to download software allowing the employer to take an element of control over access, etc.