Review of a Flexible working agreement, It not working for the business need to increase the person hours


We had employee return from maternity leave and put in a flexible working request to reduce her days from 5 - 3 days.  We wanted to support her return on the understanding it would be a challenge.   We agreed to reviewed the progress after 6 months and then in a year.

The role is proving to much for 3 days a week, and we need the role to go either to 4 days or 5 days.  Speaking with the employee she isn't seeing that it will be possible for her to increase to 4 days or full time at the end of the year.

She has worked for the company for over 10 years in this role, if we show why this isn't working and the need to increase the days and there isn't  another role  available in the company what are the next steps ?



  • Can you recruit someone else to do the other two days as a job share? Can you reduce her role, so that it can be done in three days? Can you split her role into two different jobs, one at her level and one at a lower level so that she can do three days and you recruit a someone at a lower level of pay for three days for example? It's worth thinking creatively about what you could do as it would be a shame to lose someone with that much knowledge and experience.
  • In reply to Jacqueline:

    Hi Jacqueline

    Yes we are looking at these options first, I suggested a potential Job share today to my boss, but may mean moving to another role in same department. I want to understand what my options are if we can not do any of what you suggested.