Explaining annual leave entitlement to employee working a condensed week...

I am really struggling to get an employee to understand her annual leave entitlements and would really appreciate some guidance. 

She works 37.5 hours per week over 4 days. Her argument is that she is entitled to the 25 days plus 8 bank holidays like her colleagues working the same full time hours over 5 days. 

I have tried several different ways of explaining pro-rata annual leave when working condensed weeks but to no avail. She is absolutely adamant that she is entitled to 25 days annual leave at 7.5 hours per day plus 8 bank holidays at 7.5 hours per day.

This has come about with the upcoming bank holiday which falls on a Friday (her non-working day), so she feels we owe her a day back.

If anyone has a really simplified way of explaining this it would be much appreciated, as I am pulling my hair out now trying to explain this. 


  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    13 Mar, 2024 10:17

    Doesn't she have a case? She isn't working part time.

    Not an expert so eagerly await views of others...

  • Hi Samantha, it'd be easier to explain this in hours or weeks rather than days. Her colleagues working 5 days a week get 247.5 hours or 6.6 weeks off per year, including bank holidays. She is still entitled to this, though it no longer equates to 33 days as she no longer works 7.5 hours per day.

    If she kept the same 33 days entitlement, she would now have 309.375 hours or 8.25 weeks off per year.

    The BH coming up on Friday doesn't apply to her because she doesn't work on that day and her bank holiday allowance is already built into her new annual leave entitlement, and any BH falling on a working day will be deducted from her entitlement.

  • In reply to Sarah:

    Thank you, this is very clearly worded. I have done a break down of hours to show her that she is still getting the equivalent in hours as her colleagues, but she still seems so concerned that she is being treated unfavourably, which is absolutely not the case.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    No she doesn't, but I can appreciate her confusion - she is working a condensed working week so her annual leave must reflect this. Sarah has explained it perfectly in the replies.
    As this employee works a 9.375 hour day (4 days per week), if she were to be awarded the same number of annual leave days as those working a 7.5 hour day (5 days a week) then across the leave year she would have had accrued more annual leave than her colleagues, giving her more favourable treatment.
  • This is why I have told line managers to explain annual leave changes to anyone requesting flexible working. So many people have a hard time getting their heads around it!
  • In reply to Elizabeth:

    Yes - it's such a headache. I am new to the company and this was already in place before I started. Unfortunately in this case the manager confused the situation further and I am trying to unpick it all
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    13 Mar, 2024 11:44

    In reply to Samantha :

    I wasn't suggesting she receive more annual leave - but the same as her colleagues working the same hours per week... but of course she is choosing not to work on Fridays and has those days off work. This thread is enlightening for me, too ;)

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Even more confusing at companies with flexi time where they usually pay bank holidays and have xmas shut downs and people just have to work a set number of hours each week.

    Good Friday is the day of the year you can expect the most confusion/queries about, especially if you have a Apr-Mar holiday year as it varies between 20rdMar and 23rd Apr
  • Hi Samantha

    I have found this thread so helpful! We have just introduced our first condensed hours contract, and it has confused everyone (especially our HR system) on how to calculate the holiday entitlement. Would you mind explaining what your workings are for the calculation of your discussed condensed hours case? The case we have is a 30 hour week across 3 days, working Tues, Wed & Thursday. Business has 26 days annual leave entitlement + bank hols. Thank you. :)