Staff Engagement Officer - the essentials

Hi Everyone,

I have just started my role as a Staff Engagement Officer and this is a new role at my work place so there are a lot of opportunities to get my own stamp on everything I do. I am based within the Staff Development team and being asked to provide support on existing and newly created projects e.g. I am being asked to get 20 people on the Leadership and Management staff apprenticeships - where to start from?

My understanding is that this is a key role within the organisation and I am thinking I have to engage with all stakeholders but where to start from?  

If anyone had an experience as a Staff Engagement Officer could you please let me have your advice as to how to give it a good start with my job? There is a CIPD training course on Employee Engagement but that is too expensive and not sure if the organisation where I work will invest in something like that. I know there is a lot of literature re employee engagement but I need some essentials and practice based advice.

Many thanks,


  • Hi Daniela

    There is indeed a lot written on this subject and some of it is plausible rubbish. before you act on anything you have read or are told, look to see what research is behind it.

    My favourite book on engagement is First Break All The Rules by Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. It has been out for a few years but you will still find many organisations using the Gallop 12 from this book.
  • Just as an aside I am surprised it’s part of an Engagement role to get 20 people onto an apprenticeship. It suggests that there is some confusion over the role. So what objectives have you been set / what did they talk about during the interview?
  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    Thank you, I will have a look.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thank you very much for your response, I was hoping to not have been asked such questions. No, I am not being rude just a bit sarcastic...that is not about your very normal questions, it is about the organisation where I work.
    Initially, this role was created within the Business Enhancement team and worked directly with the Director of Change and Business Enhancement. After two weeks I have started my job, I was told that the Director took VR and my rolow will be moved to the Staff Dev team. I did a bit of work on the Staff Survey, Wellbeing Pulse Survey Check (I did the quantitative and qualitative analysis), I created a suggestion scheme and I was taken in meetings re planning the next Staff Survey and the Staff Conference.
    I am now in a completely different situation comparing with last month as I have been moved in the Staff Dev. The staff survey is now under HR and other engagement initiatives e.g.suggestion scheme are being managed by HR/Staff Dev.
    At my 1-to-1 meeting I was given a list of things to do that have nothing or little to do with EE.
    I have no idea where to start with in terms of employee engagement (EE) - for the time being, I am looking at the results of the previous pulse check (on wellbeing) and identify how we, as an organisation have responded to issues that have been identified in the pulse check results.
    My idea of EE is that I need to see where the organisation is (clearly from the previous pulse survey the EE is very low for all different reasons) and I think we should have an EE strategy in place.
    We will have a Chief People Officer joining in the next couple of weeks and I am hoping things will become clearer as to what my role is.
    Apologies for my long response but I felt I needed to explain everything so that members who read this will understand why I need some support and ideas.
  • In reply to Daniela :

    Hi Daniela

    I think you have a pretty good idea of what engagement is all about. Sadly for some reason your organisation has taken a bit of a tangential course, hopefully as you say when the CPO starts there may be a correction and you will be able to do the engagement activity you were employed to do.

    In the meantime read, prepare and where you can talk to people in your organisation about how they feel, what works around here and what doesn’t. Then think about what you could do to improve that.

    Surveys and pulse surveys are ok but the key is what you do with the results not the survey themselves. Ask less question but take and sustain more action.

    Good luck.
  • In reply to Keith:

    Oh, thanks a lot, really helpful input.
  • It is slightly tangentially outside the box, but I would really recommend you look at three books: ‘Predictably Irrational’ (Dan Airlely), ‘Thinking Fast and Slow’ (Daniel Kahneman), and ‘Nudge’ (Thaler & Sunstein). All three are key players in the field of Behavioural Economics. They have proved utterly invaluable in showing me how people think the way they do, and how to help them think the way you want them to. They’re also really good, fun reads. 

  • In reply to Teresa:

    Hi Teresa, many thankc, really appreciated.
  • Just as an aside I am surprised it’s part of an Engagement role to get 20 people onto an apprenticeship. It suggests that there is some confusion over the role. So what objectives have you been set / what did they talk about during the interview?