Things you want to say to employees but can't because you're professional...

Partly as a bit of fun, but mostly as an opportunity to vent...

Employee: "So what's my motivation for getting up at 5am to be on site for 7am?"

What I wanted to say: "Keeping your f-ing job? The fact that we pay you a salary far in excess of what your meagre skillset, dubious intelligence and questionable competence deserves?"

What I actually said: "Your professional pride in the delivery of an excellent service that our clients appreciate."

  • Every day I have to bite my tongue to stop “OH, GROW UP!!!” escaping...
  • In reply to Catherine Haycock:

  • In reply to Teresa:

    I'm convinced every company should have a 'Grow up and get on with your job' policy...!
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    Actually I've changed my mind. After the day I've had today I want to say: 'Face? Bovered?!'
  • In reply to Teresa:

    In fact, I think I'm going to resurrect a sign I used to use when I was a teacher, it answers all the moans questions...

  • Brilliant thread and I have suggested to one or two people that I'd left my crystal ball at home - all in jest of course!

    I do think that some people think I am sat bored rigid, waiting for their call so I can leap into action with a plan that allows them to do exactly what they want, while unraveling the mess they created with zero consequences...
  • In reply to Nicola Reed:

    I do think that some people think I am sat bored rigid, waiting for their call so I can leap into action with a plan that allows them to do exactly what they want, while unraveling the mess they created with zero consequences...

    I once had a senior manager say that that was what they thought HR was for - in almost exactly those words!!

  • In reply to Wayne:

    " I have no magic people powder" with regard to recruitment. One I often mutter under my breath "Your lack of planning isn't my crisis".
  • In reply to Tania:

    "why did you sign the ******* offer letter if you weren't happy with the salary?"
  • "We can ask you to do [insert reasonable request] because this is a job, not a hobby. That's why we pay you." I *may* have said this, several times.
  • In reply to Sam:

    Another recruitment one - "What do you mean you didn't realise you had to confirm your attendance for the interview. Was the 'Please confirm your attendance' part of the email not a big enough clue?"
  • I would love to say to people sometimes "wtf do you think flexibility means exactly"
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Recall that once being cast by some very militant union reps in a meeting as the evil, villainous running dog of The Management around Christmas time led to my telling them at length and with some gravity and earnestness  that I could do with a nice big new whip for Christmas in order more effectively to flog the workforce into making greater efforts and all the better to beat them into submission.

    Fortunately, (I think) most of them were amused rather than upset, but I should only have thought it and not said it

  • To every manager passing on unpopular decisions: - Do not preface what you are going to say with "HR SAYS!!!"
  • In reply to Deborah:

    Lol, we often get this one with employees coming up to ask questions, we give them the answer usually accompanied by "but get your managers permission first" and then we get the manager call us/up in the office having a go because their employee said "HR said I could"....no that is not what we said, you've basically not listened to a word we said :) all good fun!