How are you all doing?

Steve Bridger

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Community Manager

3 Aug, 2022 06:30

The tweet below prompted me to ask this question. You are so busy. You may be feeling undervalued.  

It has been two years since Samantha asked this question, which generated a wonderfully open and supportive conversation days before the first lockdown.

 Are any other HR people feeling a bit lonely in all this :( 

So much has happened since then and while in some ways the pandemic accelerated a pre-exisiting direction of travel with regards remote working and technology, so much was new - not least 'furlough', which we were all talking about here. But there have also been deep structural changes and challenges - for example, in recruitment and retention. Now many of you are considering how you can support employees through the cost-of-living crisis

Amid all this, we need to look after ourselves and support one another - our peers. 

So... how are you doing?


  • In reply to Rachel :

    Completely resonate with your last paragraph Rachel. At 53 I’m pretty exhausted by it all but wondering what the alternatives for me are. Great to hear about your positives, HR has so much potential to have an impact.
  • In reply to Samantha:

    I can really resonate with this Samantha - in particular with the constant switch between complex projects and low-level admin tasks. I don't mind either of these things, but I am really struggling to prioritise my work.
    If anyone has any suggestions about time management courses for HR professionals, I would be very interested in hearing more! are you aware of anything?
  • In reply to Jan Penny:

    same here to all but humiliated. Follow a self-preservation strategy, can't d everything and be everything. Personally my brain is frazzled......................