Bad management has forced one in three UK workers to quit, announces The Guardian today. That should probably read "led to quit", rather than 'forced'... but anyhow.
"A study shows widespread concern over quality of managers, with 82% of bosses deemed ‘accidental’, having had no formal training."
My obervation would be that yes, poor line management, or line managers who basically go AWOL is at the heart of quite a lot of what we discuss in our Community. As Rachel said in this thread, HR is "not a substitute line manager", or shouldn't be.
How would you summarise your role in one line?
We've discussed this very topic in these recent threads...
Where does the role of HR end and that of the manager take over?
Blurred duties between HR and line management
...and we have some CIPD resources on that, too.
As always, I'd be keen to read your thoughts.