Simple ideas with high impact

Hello everyone, 

Just out of interest, I was wondering what simple models / ideas / phrases have a big impact in your practice.

I regularly use the ABC (Attitude, Behaviour, Culture) model when encouraging managers to persevere with an unpopular change for the better (we're in a very transitional period at the moment). I find this to be a really simple idea that is easy for managers to digest in a 5 minute conversation whilst having quite a big impact on their mindset. 

I am curious to know if anyone would be willing to share their own favourites, in the hope of discovering some more :)

Thanks in advance, and happy holidays!

  • Hi Rachel, I like 'build, borrow, buy' to help managers think through developing the capabilities they need in their teams for the future. It can help them to reflect on if the organisation can't afford to buy in expertise (through consultancy, etc.) how will they grow and retain their own. Thanks for sharing ABC!