Blame culture and HR

I've noticed over the past few months at my current employers that it is so easy to blame HR for any decisions that are not welcomed even if I have no knowledge or even agreed to any decision. I know as a HR professional this is part of the job but I am becoming increasingly frustrated how they abuse HR's good reputation. Just wanted to rant and I know that it's probably more to do with my employers than the work culture in general. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as I need reassurance that it can't just be happening to me!

  • It isn't just your employer. If I had a penny for every time I heard the phrase "HR says ...." I could retire in the lap of luxury!

    I recall trying to get pornographic images removed from the shop floor walls, screen savers(!) and calendars. Cue the Production Manager calling a shop floor meeting and starting the conversation with those immortal words "HR says ..." I was not popular that day! I must point out that this was about 20 years ago when they had just changed the rules on harassment and gave employers the duty to actively ensure that the work environment could not be considered hostile.

    So, you are not alone. I expect almost all of us have experienced being the point of blame quite frequently.
  • If you are being blamed for something you didn't do, or were responsible for I'd generally have no problems replying quite clearly, and making it well known that it was not you - or 'HR', that was responsible. If you don't you might just end up the scape goat for everything anyone doesn't like.
  • Steve Bridger

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    4 days ago