Multiple Job description/s for the same designation


How to find a way to assign very specific duties of a role in the job description (same position that 2 employees have in the same department e.g. General accountant but their Manager wants them to do different tasks, e.g. employee number 1 can handle data entry and cash receivable while employee number 2 can handle payment follow up and payroll transfer but at the same time without limiting the responsibility of the specific employee on the job description). so the question is how to split a job description of the same role/position between 2 employees (another example we have 2 Public Relations Officers but we want the first one to handle employees  labour card and contracts while the other will handle the trade licenses and governments relations but at the same time we do not want to limit their responsibilities in the JB so they can still work as a team or replace each others whenever is needed). the purpose of this specification is that the General Manager wants to catch the mistakes of employees and accountabilities by specifying the responsibilities of the same designation between multiple employees.

I tried to search this but could not find much information. what I concluded that I might be able to include specific information in the Job description of each employee such as the level of experience, and listing different/seperate duties and responsibilities in each document (but I don't know if this is enough or adequate).

  • Please correct me if I'm wrong, but my understanding from your post is that you have a couple of scenarios in which two people hold the same job role, but are given specific responsibilities that differ between them, but also that they should both be able to do if the need arose.

    This is quite common - in my current company, we have two management accountants for example, but one is assigned to the more day to day tasks and the other is pointed more at reporting. If either were to be off sick, the other would pick up the slack.

    In this case, I would personally have one job description that lists all the responsibilities that would be expected of both people, to indicate the expectation that they are both capable of doing these things. The actual day to day assignment can be verbal.
  • Agree with Thomas, the job description should be based on the post so one job description per job title.

    How you split duties between post holders that have the same job title is a matter for management. You can assign the workload appropriately. But having two job descriptions for one job title is only likely to result in a whole world of pain if you need one to cover the other, someone leaves, you reassign workloads, or you face a redundancy or promotion situation.
  • Agree with other posters, but also are the jobs actually the same? Or do they just have the same title?

    If the latter, it's very easy to create a spec for Accountant (data and income) and one for Accountant (purchasing and payroll). You'd have some shared roles and responsibilities and then a section that is specific to that employee.

    But if the former, then as others have suggested just create a monster job description! Or as I've done in the past, create one for a whole department showing who is responsible for what, and who is the check/balance for that person or just involved in part of the process. Sometimes that can be really helpful when you're trying to clarify who does what.

    Good luck.
