Asking colleagues for feedback


I've just started my L5 Certificate in Human Resource Management. I'm fairly new to HR in that it is not my background and the company I work for don't have an HR team - it's pretty much me trying to sort things out hence why I am studying this course!

Just wondering if anyone has asked their colleagues to offer feedback as part of their CPD? We don't have a 360-degree appraisal process and it's not something I am familiar with, so I would be interested to know if any other students have done this and how you implemented it?

I am thinking of doing this as an anonymous online survey, asking those who I work closely with and then a few other randomly selected people within the business but I have no idea what kind of questions I should be asking or how to phrase them!



  • Welcome to the communigty Sara.
    I'm not familiar with the current qualifications but is the rquirement to show evidence of feedback from collegaues etc.? Can you evidence this by obtaining statements from staff who've spoken to you (given feedback) in the past - or make sure they give you feedback now and ensure it's evidenced?
  • In reply to David Perry:

    Hi David,

    Thanks for the welcome and your response. I'm seeing a lot of mention about seeking feedback from managers and colleagues as being helpful towards personal development. In particular, I'm seeing this on a few areas of the CPD map, perhaps because I am currently at the 'Emerging' level in most areas.

    So I don't currently have any feedback from colleagues and I'm wondering what the best way is to go about this? I thought an anonymous online questionnaire might be useful as people might feel weird talking about my weaker points and worry about me taking things too hard!


  • Working in a large public sector organisation we already have 360 degree feedback in place including self-appraisal as part of the appraisal process. We also request feedback on any casework we are involved in . On a monthly basis I also have a 1:1 whereby workload is discussed , feedback given and any development opportunities discussed etc. So I was fortunate in that I already had a lot of feedback etc I could use within my assignment.
  • In reply to Clare:

    Hi Clare. Do you mind me asking what kind of questions are included or rather, which of the questions do you find give you the most useful/meaningful feedback? I'm not quite sure about how specific the questions should be or whether it's best to do a scoring (scale of 1 to 10) or to allow free text answers.

    Thank you
  • In reply to Sara:

    Unfortunately I have been much more involved with Project work recently so haven't requested any feedback for Casework in quite a while now to be able to say what has most been most useful etc.

    However it is done online through Survey monkey. We use Exceeded, met and did not meet expectations for how we did with some particular areas such as coaching, responsiveness etc. With overall experience categories as Excellent, Good, Satisfactory, Poor and then free text for any additional comments.
  • In reply to Clare:

    Thanks Clare!
  • Whenever I ask for peer feedback I usually use an open question structure such as "Stop Start Continue" and ask people to provide their own comments on what I should stop doing, what more they would like me to do and what I should do more of. This can be more useful than a scoring mechanism, which people tend to just click without thinking. I've done this with an anonymous google form before, which worked well.
  • In reply to Lesley:

    Thanks Lesley!
  • In reply to Lesley:

    Yes our 360 appraisal is similar asking what do you find -
    particularly helpful
    Less helpful
    what could you do in the future that would be helpful
  • In reply to Clare:

    Yes, I've tailored the wording of mine before, but ultimately it's asking the same thing. Open questions are helpful. I always include a "free text" option "Is there anything else you would like to feed back or wish to ask me?" and see if that solicits any other info.