Moving to a standalone HR role from a big corporate HR team...

Hi All!

Just wondering whether anyone has experienced going from a corporate company with a big HR team to a stand alone HR role incorporating everything HR, Recruitment and L&D. Whether there is anything to consider/weigh up and any challenges you've faced making the jump?

Thank you

  • Hi

    I have recently made the transition and it has its benefits and dis-benefits! I would suggest really know your work context and it really helps to know what is 'fit for purpose' and be selective as not one size fits all! I've worked with amazing tools, great initiatives but when you are a one person band, some of the tools and intiatives are not appropriate and relevant. Also, it's only you, so you have to be quite disciplined with what your priorities are. You may see yourself as becoming more transactional and less of a strategist but this will depend on the organisations and its culture. Good luck! I'm not keen on going back to a coporate setting and team structure yet, but I've had a few wobbles....................
  • Hello,

    I haven't transitioned from a corporate HR role but I did work for a large multinational in another function, prior to that I was in a small HR team of 4.
    Now, I am standalone for a small company with some support from the HR Manager in Norway.
    I reply quite a lot at the moment on this community as I was out of HR for about 2 years.
    It can be tricky, I sometimes feel quite isolated and a bit lacking in motivation without others to bounce off of. I know what the priorities are for the business and I know what I need to do but I need to be very disciplined with my day to stay focused.
    My job at the moment isn't very re-active which I have found a challenge but only because my last role (commercial support for a multinational) was heavily reactive (easily 100+ emails to deal with in a day).

    This HR job is what I want to do and it's a fantastic opportunity to develop strategically and I have a lot of autonomy but it's a learning curve for sure.

    I would say be sure you have a clear idea of what you may be going into, the job itself and what is expected of you. My position has turned out to be a bit different to what was put across at interview. I am happy with this but others may not have been.

    Hope this ramble is of some help...

  • If you work in HR and act as the sole source of HR expertise within your employing company you may be interested in joining our special interest group for stand-alone professionals.

    Our group continues to grow in numbers and experience and attracts stand-alone HR professionals working across a broad range of industry sectors and sizes of business. Members are usually in environments without the day to day support of a corporate HR department.

    We provide an opportunity for members to explore the challenges faced by solo HR practitioners and share solutions to common problems encountered at work.

    • Do you feel as if you are a ‘drop-in’ centre?
    • Are you the go-to person to solve all kinds of people (and non-people) issues?
    • Do you miss not having a support network?

    If you’ve answered yes then our group could be for you.

    In addition to providing a great networking opportunity and a knowledge-sharing forum, we organise practical workshops where you can explore key workplace issues and solutions, facilitated by expert speakers.

    We’re open to suggestions on the issues that matter to you and we’ll do our level best to ensure we support you in championing better work and working lives within your company, while keeping your sanity Wink

    If you would like to join our Solo HR Practitioners Group please contact the branch via: manchester@cipdbranch.co.uk to request an expression of interest form. 

    You may also be interested in taking our current poll on future talk themes.

    We have already received numerous responses and today we launch our dedicated LinkedIn group (members-only) so if you are a part of our group we look forward to receiving your joining request.

    Our first newsletter goes live this week to all those currently subscribed to our group.

    We hope to welcome you shortly.

  • In reply to Rebecca:

    Hi Rebecca

    Thanks for the info. I would like to join the group. The link provided comes up with an error message though.
  • In reply to Sumeetha:

    Hi, you'll need to email manchester@cipdbranch.co.uk to request an application form and to take part in the poll please follow this link www.surveymonkey.co.uk/.../MCRSoloHRPoll

    Apologies the previous link(s) didn't work
  • Hi Charlie, I'm in a standalone role incorporating HR & Recruitment. I also have an L&D partner so we have teamed up to share our knowledge in each of our workstreams. There are a couple of useful groups on Facebook if you don't already follow them. The HR Ninja's & HR Independents (who have standalone's as part of the group). They are a great sounding board.
  • Hello Charlie
    I have moved from a public sector organisation leading a team of 50+ to being the stand alone in a SME 6 months ago. Absolute eye opener, but as others have said. Wouldn't change it for the world. Different issues then public sector but my experience has helped me settled in. I peruse the CIPD forum alot and ACAS as well. I've got the company to invest in CIPD-HR which is a great help. Also I have used my HR network to speak to if I get stuck or need a sounding board.
    Good Luck
  • I did it several years ago - I always wanted that independence of a stand alone role. I really love it and it was worth the jump. You have to be very decisive and resilient as its mostly your decision. I have a very good CEO who I report into and you need a good team of managers also who support you who you can discuss things with as there is no longer the chance to do this with other HR buddies. (One thing I slightly miss). If in doubt - go for it - best decision I ever made. I would struggle to go back. I also went SME and I really love that too. Good luck. Oh yes and I do get all that lovely admin that goes with it. Its totally great though to make those decisions.
  • Hi Charlie

    I'm one of the few it looks like that's regretting taking that leap I really wish I could say i was loving the move.
    I moved from corporate to a stand alone HR around 3 months ago. And I echo the fact that having no sounding board to vent to is proving difficult when I just need to check I'm not going crazy with advice I've given.
    I've found a very very long list with the SMT where they are breaching nearly every day without a care in the world and when its been raised with the MD that the SMT are doing something they shouldn't be its simply brushed under the carpet.But unfortunately the SMT will quite happily bring the storm to me when its already hit the fan.
    However this isn't to say its not the right thing for you to do.. but I think I may have just been sold a dream which maybe is a nightmare! haha!

    Good Luck I hope everything works out for you :)
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