Non-financial reward/ appreciation /recognition during Covid-19

Hi all,

I’m looking for thoughts/ best practice/ ideas on non-financial reward/ appreciation/recognition. Given the currently climate managers are keen to show appreciation for those going above and beyond and are looking at HR for the best way to do this without any budget implications.

I have my thoughts and options on this and would be happy to share but keen to hear others thoughts/ experiences to help shape a proposal.




  • Hi Ema

    Think it needs the most exalted, senior and well known manager you can possibly find personally sincerely and effusively to thank selected in present circumstances necessarily by phone call or otherwise remotely and to follow it up with an appropriate personal letter confirming it all.
    It may end up being a big and unaccustomed chore for the leader involved, but usually can pay enormous dividends.
  • A neighbour who runs a business from home making hand-made cupcakes and other sweet treats recently left a sample box on my doorstep - just as a gesture of support to her neighbours. But it was a real pick-me-up for the whole family.

    There are a lot of small businesses out there that could benefit from the work at this time and for whom it would mean very little physical contact. Why not find someone making cakes, or doing flower arrangements (ideally locally to the employee in question) for some little gesture that can bring a bit of the outside world safely in by leaving a gift of appreciation of the doorstep?
  • I had an email from our Directors thanking me for my hard work throughout all this and the offer of taking some time off when this is all done (without using my annual leave). That recognition was enough for me.
  • My son is going to be getting £5 a day. I call it danger money but I hope I am wrong
    Thanks and presence will help

    My brother knows someone working in a factory and senior management havent been seen for over a week. It is all very well working from home but what about walking the talk?