
Can someone please help me with an innovation which I can introduce in my company. It can be a new form or a template, an idea to reduce operational costs, a new policy...

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    20 Jun, 2019 19:14

    Sorry, Rosy... your question is too broad, I think. What's behind your question?
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    I basically need to bring a new idea or policy to implement within the office or the HR department. Something which can some costs or involves in employee engagement, etc
  • In reply to Rosy:

    Is this an academic assignment or a real world example? If real a lot will depend on where you are size etc.

    • Flexitime
    • Dress down Fridays
    • Team socials
    • Team catch ups
    • Better communications
    • Flexible working
    • Working from home
    • Managers back to the floor
    • Improved technology so people can do jobs better
    • etc etc etc
  • In reply to Keith:

    Thanks Keith. This is not a assignment, put part for my KRAs for this financial year. I'm struggling to get one since we already give lots of benefits to our employees. Almost everything that you have listed. Can you please clarify what you mean by - Managers back to the Floor...
  • In reply to Rosy:

    Not a very SMART objective

    A quick Google  will throw up what is meant

  • Could you ask your employees what they would like to see? At least then you'll have some data and will be introducing something that is more likely to drive engagement. Or, speak to your leaders to find out what would help them do their jobs better. 

  • In reply to Will:

    Thanks Will
  • The practice we've introduced in the last year that staff are most pleased about I think, is offering croissants at 10am on Friday mornings. Sounds trite I know, but people look forward to it all week (or maybe that's just me ...). Wouldn't do anything to contain costs (quite the reverse) but it's a very practical way to say thank you.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thanks Nina. We do offer something similar - 4 different types of cereals, fresh fruits, 2 different types of pasties, bread, jam and butter
  • In reply to Rosy:

    Some topical things at the moment that have worked well for us (as a result of reviewing absence data) have been:
    - trained mental health first aiders on site
    - trained mediator on site
    - linking with an occupational health organisation to offer a back pain and lower limb programme
  • In reply to Will:

    Thanks Will. Could you please elaborate on : linking with an occupational health organisation to offer a back pain and lower limb programme. Which occupational health organisation have you'll linked for back pain. We do have these complaints often

    We do have Yoga sessions offered to our employees once a month.
  • In reply to Rosy:

    Very location-dependent, but I used to work for an osteopathic college with a large clinic in central London. We set up partnerships with local businesses, where their staff could attend at discounted rates (and given they were low anyway because the treatments were student-led, this meant that patients were paying about £20 or less for an appointment). No idea where you're based, but something similar could be seen as very supportive.
  • In reply to Nina Waters:

    Thanks Nina. Appreciate your feedback
  • In reply to Rosy:

    We have an on-site occupational health department and met with them to discuss our absence data/trends. It was from this discussion that we worked with them to implement these programmes to proactively reduce absenteeism linked to these types of issues. You could try a local OH company or a local gym, etc.
  • In reply to Will:

    Thanks Will. Appreciated!