Advice with Chartered upgrade

After many years in the profession and operating for quite a few at manager level, I feel it's about time I upgrade to Chartered Member. Reading the standards, I'm definitely operating at that level, but I've always had difficulty in filling out the form.

Is there somewhere I can go and ask the question? Really, I'm just looking for guidance as to what they're wanting to see - how much? Many of the questions read like you need to have specific projects that you've done, with budgets, metrics data etc, but I've never worked for a company that has been that detailed in it's KPI on a change/problem solving initiative etc.

Would be good just to speak to someone and it seems like there are no upgrading workshops or anything like that about.


  • In reply to Lynsey:

    Hi Lynsey, apologies for jumping on this thread but I have decided to go down the application route and would love any guidance you could offer regarding the types of examples and evidence you provided - I really want to ensure my application reaches the correct level of impact. Many thanks and kind regards, Belle
  • In reply to Belle:

    Hi Lynsey,
    Great that you're thinking of upgrading your membership with us. I'm one of the internal assessors with the CIPD and very happy to help.
    If you haven't already, please have a read through our candidate guidance for form assessments on the website. It contains a lot of useful information around impact evidence, including examples of what medium to long-term impact looks like at Chartered Member level.
    At Chartered Member, we look for 3 themes in your examples. 1. Strategic complexity 2. The way you influence stakeholders and 3. the impact/value your work has brought to your organisation in the medium to long-term (ideally over a year). We call this the 'so what' of your work. You can demonstrate this impact using hard and soft measures - so, changes in employee engagement scores, attrition & retention, promotion, absence figures (depending on your example) etc. as well as qualitative feedback from line managers or employees, reputational impact, a new HR approach becoming the norm, internal awards etc. Does that help?
    And also, since February, we have removed the need for you to submit colleague feedback with your online application.
    I'm very happy to help answer any further questions you have Belle, please do let us know.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    19 May, 2023 14:45

    In reply to Tisha:

    Thanks, Tisha.
  • In reply to David Rees:

    Hi David, No, I got busy and didn't progress this but back on it with lots of energy now!
  • In reply to Lynsey:

    Hi Lynsey, apologies for taking so long to reply. I got very busy, but I'm back on it. I would be grateful to take you up on any suggestions/advice you have, would that still be ok?
  • In reply to Tisha:

    Hi Tisha, I’m just jumping on this as I’m also keen to upgrade to the chartered membership. I’m not sure if this is something you’re able to answer but I’ve seen in these responses comments about medium to long term impact that has ‘ideally’ been sustained for over a year. Is there a set criteria around that term ‘ideally’ do you know? For example, if the evidence for all questions can show examples that have been sustained for over a year, but just one example is just under a year, I’m wondering if the assessment criteria allows flexibility with this, if all other parts of the question can be evidenced (e.g. value added to the organisation in that time period backed up by metrics / measures, strategic complexity etc.) I’ve found the assessment guidance really helpful but it’s unclear what the criteria is around this part of the assessment and whether an example just short of the year timeframe would be a hard stop on the upgrade. Thanks in advance,
  • In reply to Ella:

    Hi Ella, did you manage to upgrade?
  • In reply to Lynsey:

    Hi Lynsey,
    Apologies for jumping on this thread; I am looking for some guidance on the form based approach. if you would be so kind as to help I would be very grateful.
    Thanks, Belle
  • In reply to Lynsey:

    Hi Lynsey,
    Apologies for jumping on this thread; I am looking for some guidance on the form based approach. if you would be so kind as to help I would be very grateful.
    Thanks, Belle
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Hi Samantha,
    I'm very happy to help and sorry for the time it's taken to come back to you on this.
    As part of your upgrade assessment conversation, we will ask you to share two examples where you have led initiatives that have created positive change for your organisation. And at Chartered Member level, we typically expect the value of this change to be demonstrated for over a year. I would recommend that when you are reflecting on the best examples to choose, that you use examples in both cases where you can demonstrate change of over a year.
    Saying that, if you have an example where you haven't reached the 1-year + timeframe in terms of demonstrating value, if you can talk to the milestones you have reached and the expected value of the initiative in 1year/18months/2years time etc. that can also demonstrate the planned medium to long-term value of your approach. Which is also helpful.
    So, not a hard stop on upgrading, but I would say collect as much evidence as you can around demonstrating the expected long-term value of your initiative and how you incorporated this thinking when you started the project..
    I hope that helps and very happy to continue the conversation.
    Thank you very much,
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    25 Sep, 2023 12:05

    In reply to Tisha:

    Thanks, Tisha.
  • In reply to Samantha:

    Hi Samantha, I am in the same position as you; would you be happy to swap emails so we can tackle this together? Thanks
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi, sorry to jump in

    I am looking to upgrade, but I have a huge stumbling block.

    I report directly to the directors and they will not complete a stakeholder review - and I really mean they wont do it - so does that mean I am stuck as I am?

    Also, what examples, projects etc are needed - everyday I carryout different tasks, taking on different things - what counts, it is just everyday work?
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    12 Oct, 2023 15:51

    In reply to Jennifer Carroll:

    Hi Jennifer... let me try to get a view on your conumdrum.

  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    16 Oct, 2023 09:27

    In reply to Jennifer Carroll:

    Hi Jennifer,

    I'll PM you.