HR blame

Has anyone had the experience of another employee telling you that you didnt advise them on a particular thing when you knew for a fact that you did ? Its really frustrating and you start to question your own sanity ! I would be interested to know if you have had this issue, how you get around it ? 

  • This used to happen regularly for me when I worked on a manufacturing site, staff would constantly deny what was said in a conversation or say that I said something different.

    Since then I have always kept a day book and try and make notes of all the conversations I have so I can reference back to it. It a little frustrating at time but has become a habit and really helpful.
  • I've had this quite a lot, with employees, managers and Directors alike!

    Depending on the situation/context/person I either send an "As discussed" email afterwards and file it, or like Alun I have a diary and jot things down in there.

    Nothing more satisfying than being able to look in my diary and confirm the date we did actually discuss X thank you very much, or even better (and so satisfying I could light a cigarette afterwards) being able to forward on a "As discussed" email.

    Just lovely.
  • I became notorious for carrying a notebook everywhere and always jotting down what I said I would do or what I had advised someone. It was referred to by one MD as my "Book of Everything". Once people get to know about it, you don't have to get it out as they just know you can back up whatever it is you said.

    I didn't start doing it for that reason. I started because it helps me to organise my thoughts to take brief notes. I often find that the action of taking a note commits whatever it is to my memory. It also means I am usually very goal focused in meetings - I will be the annoying person insisting that an action point is agreed when people go off into a waffle.
  • I've always liked the approach of the e-mail "just to confirm our discussions"... It has the merit of not only recording what YOU think was agreed but also gives the other person an opportunity to correct any misunderstanding and therefore obtain full buy-in to the joint record.....
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    2 Mar, 2021 20:50

    In reply to Ray:

    Absolutely, Ray. Audit trail.
  • If, there was any likelihood of confusion, or misunderstanding over something I contributed towards, I'd just send an informal e-mail or memo.
  • In reply to Ray:

    Yep that one is my favourite.
  • In reply to Ray:

    Couldn't agree more Ray. And I advise managers to do the same too with any people issues. Makes life so much easier if you've got something concrete to refer back to.
  • In reply to Alys Martin:

    Yes if it's a retrospective situation, I just email to say something like

    "It has become apparent that we recall the conversation differently. To clarify, my recommendation/advice was xxxx. If you wish to discuss so that we ensure there's no further ambiguity please let me know".

    I also have The Notebook and with certain people I know it's wiser to email straight after with a summary of what was said.
  • In reply to Alun:

    Yes, my Day Book is a wealth of notes that drives others mad when I quote date, time, participants of a conversation :)
  • "A memo is written not to inform the reader but to protect the writer"

    If its an important issue or the person in question has 'form', I usually go for the quick email.