CIPD Members Survey 2018

I am just completing this and had to take a break!

What are other peoples opinions? On the form, content and length

Given that many HR professionals run opinion surveys in their own organisations how many would subject their organisations to this kind of depth of survey and expect to get a response?

Personally for me its far far too long, asks some pretty leading questions and I struggle to see the good needed coming from it

It could be I am just having a bad day - so colleagues - cheer me up have I got it all wrong on this one?

  • In reply to David:

    Entertainingly, I was completing it, and at my first slightly negative comment, it crashed and lost everything....
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    11 Oct, 2018 15:28

    In reply to Annabel:

    Not deliberate, I assure you ;)
  • In reply to Annabel:

    Annabel, that is what I think happened with me. Kept getting to the questions about 'thinking about renewal' and each time I answered 'had to think very hard about it' (or whatever wording was used) it sent me back to the beginning. Obviously, did not want any negative or at least non-positive comments. Think results will not be a true reflection so not convinced it is a worthwhile effort for anybody.
  • In reply to Susan May:

    I did feel as though I was being asked the same or similar questions repeatedly, or more follow up questions on areas I'd already said weren't of interest to me. Maybe a smarter survey workflow would have made it less cumbersome to complete from a user persepctive.
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    11 Oct, 2018 17:41

    In reply to Susan May:

    Hi Susan,

    Obviously, did not want any negative or at least non-positive comments.

    Alas, the survey platform is not as intelligent as that. A coincidence, I assure you.

  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    11 Oct, 2018 17:54

    In reply to Peter Stanway:

    Peter Stanway, Elizabeth Divver, Gemma... 


    From what I understand, there are a few possible reasons why you may not have received a personalised survey link:

    - our database may be out-of-date (e.g. we may have a work address where a member has since 'moved on')

    - some company firewalls may have prevented the email from even arriving

    - the email may be in your spam filter / folder

    - regrettably, we encountered an unexpected technical glitch when sending out the emails, which affected our Branch members specifically. This issue was rectified for the majority but some may still have missed out

    - email preferences may be set to 'opt out' of receiving emails from CIPD.

    If none of these apply to you let me know and I will get this resolved.

    Incidentally, the survey will now run until midnight on 18th October.

  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    None of these apply to me, but I don't seem to have received the survey. Checked spam. Do not have a company firewall. I get other CIPD emails so it's not caused by an opt-out or wrong email address.
  • In reply to Lesley:

    Actually I've just seen your post on the survey said it's only members in UK and Ireland. As I'm now living in the Falklands and that's recently been updated on the membership database, that might explain it.

    Shame though that us "international members" are being treated differently.
  • In reply to Steve Bridger:

    Hi Steve,

    Apparently my old work email was still down as my contact - even though I have updated this before when I changed jobs as I changed my work address and that seems to have saved.

    Hopefully this has saved properly this time
  • Johanna

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    CIPD Staff

    12 Oct, 2018 11:11

    In reply to Annabel:

    conspiracy theories ;)
  • In reply to Johanna:

    Was it Steve Bridger on the Grassy Knoll with a lap top all those years ago :-)
  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    12 Oct, 2018 11:26

    In reply to Keith:

    Not me 'guv; I was a mere twinkle in my parents' eyes.
  • In reply to Lesley:

    Hi Lesley, thanks for your feedback. We are certainly interested in the views of our international members, and will be looking to run a similar exercise as soon as we can. We recognise there are unique and varying needs for our international members, but their opinions are most certainly still as important to us. We made the decision to separate the two pieces of work, but we were unable to run them concurrently because of the size and nature of this type of work.
  • In reply to Annabel:

    Hi Annabel,

    Katherine from the Customer Research team here at CIPD. I am very sorry you experienced some technical errors there. please rest assured the responses you did provide have been collected and will be used. Unfortunately you mist have been in the survey at a time when we had to go in and do some essential maintenance, the downside to that being some people would have been "booted out" of Survey Monkey. That is clearly less than ideal, but it is unfortunately the way our survey tool works.
    If you have any specific feedback to provide us from a membership perspective you can always email us directly at

    Kind regards,