Coronavirus: what contingency plans are you putting in place?

Steve Bridger

| 0 Posts

Community Manager

28 Feb, 2020 13:37

We've had a discussion thread already touching on the Coronavirus (COVID-19), but things have moved on a bit and we'd like to ask members to use this space to share initiatives and plans around managing the coronavirus threat in your organisation.

Please refer to the CIPD factsheet for current guidance and also the latest information on the GOV.uk website.

The CIPD has been asked to speak on national news channels* about what businesses can be doing to manage issues affecting employees, such as flexible working, A+B teams coming into work, school closures, business travel etc.

*If you are happy to speak to the media, who are looking for real examples of businesses taking action, please let us know as we do sometimes get asked to recommend companies who could be featured. To reassure you, this is a closed thread and no-one can see it except CIPD staff and CIPD members. 

We’re well placed to help if you have any questions... and we’re interested to hear what actions you’re taking in your own organisations.

Please share below. Thanks.

UPDATE: 10th March 2020

  • Our employees are usually all office-based but as part of the Coronavirus planning we are looking into arranging remote access for everyone.
  • Hi

    I'm based in Rep of Ireland and with a case now confirmed in NI, we have developed and put in place the following actions:

    • Continue communications to all staff via email and team meetings, initially these were weekly updates but they have been more frequent as the situation changed.  Comms included information regarding good hygiene practices, updates and site specific information
    • Develop posters for noticeboards on Myth v Reality facts regarding Coronavirus
    • Restriction of unnecessary site visitors - using  video or audio conferencing as an alternative
    • Identify staff who can work remotely
    • Provide a hygiene pack to all staff - tissues, hand santisers, anti-bac wipes
    • Installation of hand sanitisers at entrance and exit doors
    • Identifying any staff member who is currently abroad and advise if quarantine is required on return
    • Identify staff who are due to go on holidays over the coming months and ask if they are willing to confidentially share details of where they are going (again for quarantine purposes)

    Hope that helps!


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    28 Feb, 2020 15:38

    In reply to Fionnuala:

    Good stuff, Fionnuala!
  • As a school, remote working is not an easy option for us - but we're having to put in place ways to deliver education remotely if we are in the situation where the school has to close. Hopefully that won't happen.

    Our HR database has helpfully got a text messaging service - so one process we're going through now is ensuring that all our staff have updated their contact information, in case we need to advise them urgently about any changes. We're also making sure that everyone can access their systems from laptops/tablets, and testing this out.

    Otherwise like most organisations, we're encouraging good hygiene practices (and providing hand sanitisers at all entrances), asking for open communication with staff and parents about any potential problems and planning around the key risks.

  • We're following the same steps as Fionnuala.

    We're also having daily meetings as an Exec team after 2pm each day (when the Gov advice is updated). The meetings only take 15 minutes and we send an update to all staff afterwards. In the meeting this afternoon we're going to look at dependant's leave and whether this should be paid if linked to Coronavirus concerns, eg, school closure.

    There's definitely a lot to think about!
  • Hi

    I have been searching for a government handout to give to our employees about the awareness of Coronavirus, but I can't seem to find anything.

    I have found one on Public Heath Advice England, but it is for the education sector.

    Has anyone got links to anything that will be useful as a handout for staff?

    Many Thanks


  • Steve Bridger

    | 0 Posts

    Community Manager

    2 Mar, 2020 14:48

    In reply to Lynsey:

    Hi Lynsey... I've 'merged' your thread to this current discussion. Trying to keep Coronavirus discussions 'contained' (as it were).
  • As a retail worker, home working isn't really an option. We are being updated every few days with any company updates. These have included us providing hand sanitizer for colleagues (never have previously). we are also paying people if there is a need to self isolate or have time off, the normal first three days unpaid is being waived too.
  • HI all,

    We are near Brighton, so on the edge of the UK 'epicentre'. We already have a Major Incident Procedure which covers things like a contact cascade, what jobs can be done elsewhere and by whom, and so on. I've reviewed this and think that, for us, it will cover a worse-case scenario. We don't have staff working abroad so should Coronavirus hit us, it is unlikely to be an instant, all-consuming hit in the way something like a fire would be, but rather a dropping off in staffing and in that way it will be no different from a normal bad flu or novovirus year for example.

    I spent yesterday trawling through ACAS, CIPD, and Gov.uk sites and gathered together all the info there into one A3 poster for our staff, which I'll update as necessary. It starts with one sentence: "At present, be aware of it, but don't be worried by it". I do feel that there is a degree of panic forming that isn't needed at the moment, driven by the need for juicy headlines. My favourite today is that '...even the Queen is taking precautions', under a picture of her pinning a CBE onto Wendy Craig's lapel whilst wearing gloves. Two things, firstly when was the last time you saw the Queen without gloves on, and secondly she's a 93 year old woman who mixes with a lot of people every day so it's only sensible to take precautions - I'd expect my mum to.

    Outside of the CIPD, the info I've found most useful is:

    Attached is my poster. Feel free to use and adapt as necessary if you think it will be of any help.

  • In reply to Teresa:

    Iv been asked to put together a plan for a hotel - does anyone else have a plan in place for hospitality industry?
  • Steve Bridger

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    Community Manager

    4 Mar, 2020 10:23

    In reply to Teresa:

    I like the QR codes, Teresa :)
  • I'm sharing casual updates on Teams as and when needed. Tomorrow's post will be about handwashing because I really like this graph. Plus the media is covering the virus side, this is a little more disgusting but lighthearted!
