Performance Management Systems, it's Processes and the effect on the Ageing workforce

Good morning, First post ever... I am working on a research that seeks to explore the experiences around performance management systems, its process and the effect on the ageing workforce. And I would like to have landmark literatures that researched both areas together. Literature on the AWF and on PMS are many but few seem to actually look at the 2 topic areas together in depth. please can I have some literature to give more bite to my research. came across the below but need more literature: www.cipd.co.uk/.../what-works-in-performance-management-report www.employment-studies.co.uk/.../managing-older-workers Thank you
  • Employee Performance management system is an application that begins when a task is defined as needed. It ends whilst an employee leaves your employer by way of finding a professional job or retiring. Performance management defines your interplay with an employee at every step of the manner in between these major lifestyles cycle occurrences.  

  • In reply to Sheetal:

    Are you advertising your company's product, Sheetal? That's against the Community Guidelines.
  • Hi Becky
    I believe that with time performance management systems tend to be mechanistic and especially if there is an ageing workforce, they could just do it as a formality.
    This is where HR can add real value by revamping the approach occasionally whether it be scores and weights, fresh attributes, meaningful strategic projects, etc.
    A good performance system is one that evolves dynamically with the organisation, considers new skills, attributes, performance targets, behaviours enriching and challenging the talent pool all through. And here I mean the framework and its constituent elements and not necessarily the software application itself.
    Kind regards
  • Just an aside, but it really rubs me up the wrong way as an older person to be talked about as if I am somehow different, as it there is this separate group off over in a corner who are "aging" and who will be differently affected by normal work processes or who will react differently and who will have to be thought about separately. Some people are going to be in for a monumental shock when they discover that they too are aging. We are all aging and all at the same rate. I am the same person as I was back when I was 30, 40 and 50 except I have learned more and, IMO, make better decisions. I like doing the same things I have always liked and that includes acquiring new skills and experiences. There are so many negative stereotypes about age.  I am not less mentally agile or more forgetful. It doesn't take me longer than a younger person to learn, including learning to work with next technologies. I don't have more time off work. I am not slower than younger colleagues or have less energy. I look around me and I see many people like me but no  poor old dears shuffling about, getting confused by social media and needing bright young things to help them.

    @Becky - did you ever find any research which could draw a link between different ages and reactions to performance management?

  • In reply to Elizabeth Divver:

    I'm glad I'm not the only 'older' person offended by the un-woke Becky. But never, mind its her 1st post and I've not welcomed her!!.
  • Welcome to the communities Becky.

    I would be most interested in hearing, briefly on your views of the ageing workforce and performance management systems. Me being a crumbly and quite often not as 'woke' as I could be, have you found issues regarding performance managing the likes of me? (I'm 70).

    David :-)
  • In reply to David Perry:

    It was a bit of a rant.

    @Becky - you didn't deserve to get a rant in response to your first post and I hope I haven't put you off. If you can't find any research on the intersection of these two areas, then your study may break new ground, which would be fantastic. So although it does mean that you will need to gather your own data to analyse, you could end up with a really valuable piece of research. I will be hoping that you will find little difference between age cohorts in the way they respond to performance management, but over to you to prove me wrong!
  • Becky. I realise my reply to you wasn't the most welcome of answers I could have given.

    I wasn't really that offended though - It just made me smile being described as.......well never mind.
    Please don't be offended and do come back.
  • Hi Becky
    I’m intrigued by your question. Does this suggest that performance management systems and processes have a particular impact on an older workforce compared to other age segments? Or are you seeking to identify how the systems and processes could require adjustments to be able to operate effectively with older people?
    These are two very different questions.... can you shed some light please?